Tami Stainfield
3256 Mexico Road
Marion, KY 42064
United States
ph: 270-965-1898
Donations Summary
Receipts and Disbursement Summary
1st Qtr Receipts and Disbursement Summary
2nd Qtr Receipts and Disbursement Summary
3rd Qtr Receipts and Disbursement Summary
Total Contributions to Campaign Summary
Candidate Contribution: $ 25,025
Copyright 2011 Tami Stainfield for President. All rights reserved. Tami Stainfield has not granted any persons or organizations rights to utilize or distribute Tami Stainfeild thoughts, quotes, ideas and intellectual property. Intellectual quotes, logic, and theories remain the property of Tami L. Stainfield
Tami Stainfield
3256 Mexico Road
Marion, KY 42064
United States
ph: 270-965-1898